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F im Magic Garden_edited.jpg

Frederick Baker
26.1.1965 – 24.8.2020

Frederick „Fred“ Baker was an award-winning Austro-British filmmaker, virtual reality artist and polymath.

He was born in Salzburg, raised in London and studied archeology in Sheffield, Tübingen and Cambridge.

While working on projects around the globe he was based in London and Vienna.

Frederick Baker’s documentaries, art films and VR-projects focused on cultural and political phenomenons.

His work has been shown at international film festivals, art festivals, galleries and museums.

He interviewed influential public figures like Yoko Ono, Vivienne Westwood, George Bush senior, Michail Gorbatschow, Václav Havel, Schimon Peres, Helmut Kohl, John Major, Simon Wiesenthal,
Sir Ernst Gombrich and Lord Norman Foster.

This website will give access to Frederick Baker’s extensive work including unpublished video material. Meanwhile please contact the Frederick Baker archive management via email:

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